martes, 5 de julio de 2011

Lolole, Alabina


Habibi fi ayam fi dunya
Ayam tila`b feena
Fi dunya mahma ti`sa `alaina
Mat asartsh feena
Hubak fi albi yikbar fil kon
Yala habibi in rooh ta`al albi ilak maftooh
Si ti da vida carino es imposible
No me dejes aqui tan solo
No escushes mas lo que dice la gente
Tengo mucho remordimiento
Fi bahri zamani
W-goodak fil kon
Yala `ashani fi kul `uhood
Un amor como el mio
Es un amor sincero
Quiero compartir lo contigo si rencor
Por que te quiero
Ahhh khasara ya dunya
Ma`na il hub wi bahri inta
Bi shamsi wana layali habibi
Amal kul il haya
Si alguna vez
Yo te hice dano
Te pido perdon
Olvida tu dolo
Low fi hayatna masayeb bitseer
Hubina hawaya ma`ak fi dunya

En inglés

Baby, in the days in the world
Days tricking you
Life, no matter how hard it gets
Does not have an impact on us
Your love in my heart grows
Come on my love lets go, my heart is open for you
If it gives you life and love, it is impossible
Don't leave me hear so alone
Don't listen what the people say
I feel very guilty
In my life
Your existance in the world
Come, for my sake
A love like mine
Is a sincere love
I want to share it with you without rancor
Because i love you
Oh, what a loss in the world
You are the meaning of love
You are my sun, you are my nights
Your are the hope of my life
If i ever
Hurt you
I ask for your forgiveness
Forget the crime
If there are misaries in our life that occurs
Our love is a hobby in our life

1 comentario:

  1. Esta entrada es más como para mi misma, me gusta la canción y la publiqué para no perder la letra y su traducción.
